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Trick or Treat Giveaway and November Fun

By on Saturday, Oct 29, 2016 | 0 comments

I wanted to tell you about a fun Trick-or-Treat giveaway going on on my Facebook author page this weekend. I got early copies of my December book this week (yay!) and I'm giving one away along with a mug and some other swaggy things. Enter the giveaway here. (Giveaway goes until Monday, October 31st, at [...]

Take Your Daughter to Work Day (for a Romance Author)

By on Saturday, Oct 22, 2016 | 0 comments

My 24-year-old daughter unexpectedly joined me at the New Jersey Romance Writers Author-Reader Luncheon last weekend. She drove up to New Jersey from Philadelphia, where she attends grad school. I must confess, at first I told her not to come. "I'm too busy," I said. This was really a cover for--I'm not sure how I [...]

Kiss a Librarian

By on Saturday, Oct 1, 2016 | 3 comments

Most of us who love books have a story about how we first came to love them.   My mom was a huge reader, but we didn’t have a lot of money to buy books. But she was constantly hauling us off to the library. That was the only way I knew of to get [...]
