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Brain Fatigue and Maturing Your Manuscript

By on Thursday, Mar 17, 2011 | 2 comments

I really hate brain fatigue.  The kind that prevents you from seeing mistakes.  When you work on a manuscript day in and day out, you are bound to get it.  Here are the top three annoying mistakes I often make and then catch only after I've had a rest from a manuscript:--I use the same [...]

What Leslie Dow Learned from Lori Wilde–a post from Savvy Authors

By on Tuesday, Mar 8, 2011 | 0 comments

Aspiring autrhor Leslie Dow did a post on Savvy Authors today about being savvy in the business of writing called "What I Learned from Lori Wilde." Lori offers a write-a-novel-in-six-months class through Savvy U.that Leslie took and enjoyed a lot.You can read Leslie's full post at Savvy Authors here.Pearls from this post follow.  Lori says, "Your writing is neither [...]

SEP’s Character Description–Why I Think It Works

By on Saturday, Mar 5, 2011 | 0 comments

The reason I think this description (see post from earlier today) is so fantastic is that SEP describes our hero not by looks alone but by his looks as they relate to his personality.--The heroine assumes there is something about him that proclaims he was not born into blue blood--but had a rough past.--His hair color [...]

How to Describe Your Hero (the Susan Elizabeth Phillips Way)

By on Friday, Mar 4, 2011 | 0 comments

I've been doing a lot of judging lately--for the GH, for my local chapter contest.  And a lot of editing on my own manuscript.  Here's what I'm noticing:  a lot of writers, myself included, prefer dark haired heros with dark eyes.After a while, how sick can you get of describing ebony, black as night, jet black, [...]
